Friday, August 31, 2007
The time was 7:55 PM
aiyo.. watched ah beng goes karaoke just now on youtube.. argh its dam idiotic.. felt like killing myself.. its the group that we couldnt believe was one of the top 4 films from twentyfour.. link's below.. i tell u its suppppeeeerrrr irritating.. see-rye-ous-lee... =_=||| i'm so pissed right now.. grrrr... haha... but n the brighter side.. school hols r here! altho this is no cause for celebration.. haha haiz.. MUST STUDY LAAA!!! ahah cya!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
The time was 8:50 PM
my dog attacked me ytd.. she went mad.. and seh left me a big blue black on my thigh.. sigh...
Friday, August 24, 2007
The time was 7:59 PM
brought miho for a loong walk wif my maid n the three babies.. then aunty gina met a new fren who's the same breed and an aunty too!! =D and now i got blisters all over my hands... tmr got jamming! haha.. caleb actually wants us to play the hillsongs hosanna... i think i'll die playing x_x the chords are diff to play! hehe and today me xiny n win called up the diff schools.. i think when i called up chung cheng main it was wierdest.. the ppl dere didnt seem to be too good in english.. lols.. then in the end i dunno y but the line was cut off while waiting for someone to pick up.. =_=||| ~hey, i really do wish i had wings...~
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
The time was 8:19 PM
aiyo... u noe the new law on dog handling n stuff?? its so idiotic.. sigh... and right now miho is the most troublesome doggy i've ever had! heehee... she doesnt have a microchip, andd she strangles herself till her tongue turns purple so i can't bear to see her dragging me when i walk her.. and so i try to let her off the leash as mcuh as possible... but u noe la... SOME people can be so scared of dogs until its as if the dog will disembowel the persn.. aiya then if someone complains bout miho then those ava ppl or watever will catch her.. then if we acknowledge miho then we'll get a fine of 500-5000 or if we don't they'll pput her to sleep.. so i dunno la.. sigh.. its so hard to give up a dog when u love it so much.. haha... but i do hope she'll get tired of being so energetic soon.. she has too much energy.. xP
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
The time was 7:25 PM
^_^ i finally get ionic equations!! yay!! muahahha... but i can't rejoice for long.. now its A maths' turn to irritate n frustrate me.. *sigh*.. why does temasek sec offer so little choices to the students?? if only i could take bio and not take A maths.. haha.. then at least i'll have one more subject i am enthusiastic about.... mm the next jamming session for the band is sunday!! so excited... band mentor says we'll b doing mighty to save.. yay!! can't wait.. ~Shalyn!(:~
Monday, August 13, 2007
The time was 7:19 PM
omgosh the four day weekend was so fun... so free!! so fun... but sooooo sooo soo sooo short... haiz.. man i wish i could control time... too short!! exams round e corner already... ='(
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
The time was 9:18 PM
aaaargh!! we lost 24!!! aaaaaaaaaaaah..... so sickening.. both teams from NUS high.. were like, in the top 4?!?! and one of them was totally stupid!! it was a video bout some ah beng in karaoke.. but really? i can't explain it's stupidity here... lol.. but i gotta say that their idea was a little creative.. =_= we got nominated twice.. for best editting [only for the flicker part in the front] and most creative and we didnt win a thing... ='( sobs... but i guess wwe all really won la actually... dunno why the judges go n pick that karaoke thing... argh... so i was like telling mr weng, "sometimes it does pay to suck doesnt it?" ahaha... amazing how life can be so unfair.. well anyway after that the happy family was talking bout hosting a film festival.. and me xinyi n mr weng decided to do it for real.. maybe like each person pay 50 cents to come.. n the money goes to charity or something.. and we'll showcase short films from anyone.. so u can send us your short films too!! we're thinking of getting the videos from the other teams who participated in 24.. and showcase there also... THOSE INTERESTED IN THIS FILM FEST. BY TEMASEK pls email me la.. k?
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
The time was 8:25 PM
with that aside,
24 WAS SO FUN!! ahahahahaha... thank you xinyi, sara, win, due, and most of all mr weng for making this experience so.. hm.... different!! haha! i do hope we win something.. but then again it seems kinda impossible.. i'm not saying it isnt!! haha but gosh.. our editting sure sucked... and the new funny word of the video we make is :my piss haha! bcuz the theme of the competition wa my piece of the singapore puzzly.. and we did sorta like a crossword puzzle... and this guy [fadhil] is filling up the boxes.. and u noe they have those clues at the bottom? one of it says "my piece" and so fadhil read it out bcuz he was wondering wat the ans to that was.. and he made it sound like my piss.. haha! the first time i heard it, i was rolling arnd on the floor.. mainly bcuz of the lack of sleep.. i went nuts.. AND THE INTRO PART IS NICE!!! The time was 8:15 PM
all's not well in my life right now.. *sigh...* seems like all around me, things r getting worse... councillors losing their enthusiasm.. friendships are lost.. photography is getting from bad to worse.. i cried in the toilet today.. cuz of an insensitive teacher who never thought bout a student's feelings. he shall have my ignorance as a gift... Temasek seems to be losing its standards.. or maybe the generations in s'pore getting worse.. in the past, they all seem to be so hardworking.. wat's become of the world!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
The time was 6:38 PM
eeergh... bad flu AGAIN... nose was like a tap... MR SINGH took us for physics!! muahahahahhaha! xP lol he's very wierd leh.. likes history but thinks social studies is total crap.. ^_^ dun feel like saying much today.. yay tmr is twenty four!! so excited.. mainly bcuz i've never done anything like this b4.. yay yay yay yay! looking forward to it! =_= tmr got geog n E maths test!!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
The time was 5:50 PM
my nose felt very itchy leh!! i kept sniffing.. dunno y..! then during form teacher's contact time we all [as a class] discussed abt why e class so not disciplined so noisy always need teacher to scold so disresepctful.. bcuz on monday mr sara [the discipline master] had a meeting wif e student leaders of e class and he was telling us that if the class continue to b so disruptive, he will strip every one of the student leader in e class off their badge.. =.=||| so ms morni ask each one of the student leaders to say their part.. and then she would start toking.. telling the class... and then at random points she would cry a bit.. then she said ,"i dun cry bcuz i'm sad, its bczu im extremely angry" blahblahblah then she tok a LOT.. then mrs marilyn soh says," those who think they have a part to play in the class's noise, i want to hear from you. but i wont call out names" lol then ms morni call one o the noisiest guy in the class to talk.. then after that another guy talked then ms morni tok tok tok =.= then emo here, emo there then when ms morni finished saying her part [finally] mrs soh spoke up.. aiyo then she started crying.. so poor thing! she spoke to the class.. abt how she can't give up on her students.. only can give up her career.. she said heartfelt words.. *sigh* well i do hope the class changes for the better after today.. but i can't help but doubt that it will.. and for the whole 1 and a half hour.. [that included the hour dat was supposed t be for mother tongue] the whole class was quiet... poor teachers.. gosh now i got flu... =P |
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[ shalyn THONG]
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