Friday, November 30, 2007
The time was 6:43 PM
yay we finished the video!! and it turned out to be nicer than i expected! very sad that it couldnt be the full 24 crew.. cause win n dew went back to thailand! xD but thanks zuhairi for being so willing to join us! i'll really miss being the sound girl, and working with u guys to make a video.. i'm really sad that i have to leave to! ='( gosh ytd n today got headache.. and i lost a bit of my voice.. sounds very funny today.. but ppl dont sem to notice.. hm.. but im wondering why i have this "sickness" don't seem to have done anything that would cause it.. ^^ yeah and im also gonna be interviewed for an "internship" kinda thing in a film production or sth.. im not really sure also but i do hope i get that "job".. mus at least earn sth this holidays.. wish me luck!!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
The time was 3:29 PM
lol blog im so sorry i'm so lazy to post on u... ^^ well i just came back from ps.. went to watch stardust.. nice la but i still prefer transformers xD but it was a 2 hr 10 min movie so haha fun la.. saw the i am legend trailer.. looks kinda nice.. but im wondering wats with all the zombie movies lately.. humans being "infected" and all that shit.. mm... gonna b busy the whole week again.. editting and stuff.. i hope i'll b able to get a job soon.. *crossed fingers* ^^ well cyas..
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The time was 8:21 PM
sigh... so many things can happen in life.. so easy to run away from evrything.. if only life could just move faster.. but i shouldn't be thinking that way....
Friday, November 9, 2007
The time was 8:32 PM
today was such a tiring day la... =_= 8.30 + slack, then started wrapping boxes with shiny red paper, then brought boxes to council room, and started painting the "grandeur" banner for grad night.. AND WE DID THE BANNER FOR 7 HRS! haha... im so proud of the banner now.. alll that painting n glueing n glittering n painting n sweeping glitter... and some of us and i were barefoot all the way! yay to barefootness.. haha.. siao.. then went to bras basah to buy sth.. my shoulder aching like siao when on the way home.. for those who don't noe, i'll b going to new zealand to study next year and i'll probably b staying der for the next, wad? 6-7 yrs? the school's accepted me, money's been sent... now just need to apply for visa.. xinyi, don't start thinking of putting dairy products into my luggage.. yes i noe you all will miss be but i'll have all of u to miss... its much harder for me u noe? haha.. go easy on me la pls.. xD cheers!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
The time was 3:45 PM
dunno why i was so tired today... felt like i didnt have energy.. haha... and stuffs r missing from my pencil case! i can't remember where i last saw them! 1) my permanent marker 2)my white board marker 3) my scotchtape... all the stuff i needed today.. =_=||| and today was the last day of lessons! yay! finally la... oh and for those of u who don't noe, the school in new zealand's accepted me and i've paid the money.. i just hope nothing goes wrong now.. *fingers crossed* xD |
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[ shalyn THONG]
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