Thursday, December 6, 2007
The time was 12:11 PM
yeah so i'm wondering.. what should i do in uni? animal psychology seems a bit.. unsafe.. cuz i may not b able to find a job with it.. but it is what i wanted to do in the first place.. human psychology i ifnd interesting too.. but it doesnt help me get a job in sea world orlando.. haha.. but well, heres the possible courses i could take.. all found on wikipedia.. ^^ theres cognitive psychology, its the study of the mental processes underlying behaviour n it researches things like perception, problem solving, memory, etc... then theres social prychology, its the study of the nature and causes of human social behaviour, with an emphasis on how people think towards ach other & how they relate to each other. Aims to understand how we make sense of social situations. then the animal side, theres ethology, which is the scientific study of animal behaviour, and its a branch of zoology. an ethologist is interested in behavioral processes in different animals, rather than in a particular animal group.. then of course is zoology, which is the study of the biology of animals. yaah...
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
The time was 5:30 PM
lol i decided not to continue with the tv production thing.. thats sorta like an intern thing.. so i dun get paid but i can see how tv shows r made.. i went down to see ytd.. kinda cool. but i realized that.. im left with abt 1 mth till i have to leave! and thers still quite some stuff i havent done.. like applying for visa.. and buying the stuff i need there.. and then secondly the "job" doesnt pay.. haha.. oh wells.. it would've been fun.. but i felt VERY out of place there.. xD so anyway.. APPLYING FOR A STUDENT VISA IS SOO BLOOODY TROUBLESOME! have to go get an x-ray to make sure i dun have tubercolosis lol.. and a medical certificate.. and the application form is full of funny stuff.. like "list all periods of employment, including self=employment" and "what arrangements have u made for outward travel from new zealand?" lol i dunno la.. its so weird.. wanted to go down to nz embassy but parents busy.. sigh.. =_=
Monday, December 3, 2007
The time was 6:07 PM
t6oday went to fish farm.. got some funny thing where u let some fish suck ur legs.. $10 for 1/2 hr.. quite fun lor.. its friggishly TICKLISH!! haha... the fish were feasting on my grandmother's legs.. they eat dead skin i think.. so no surprise.. collected my new passport also!! its so cool la.. the new passport i mean.. ... okay maybe not so cool but.. the picture page is like a cardboard thing.. very hard.. i htink theres a tracking device or sth.. and now the passport no. is diff from nric no. .... ya well.. i'll b collecting my ic soon too.. yay!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
The time was 3:25 PM
I wana watch heroes!! i wana play sims 2!! cuz i really dunno what to do now.. |
is ![]()
[ shalyn THONG]
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