Saturday, November 29, 2008
The time was 11:07 PM
why is it that the only guy i like has driven me to give up on him.
sigh i never even confessed. *raises the white flag* The time was 1:57 AM
haha i just got hooked on watching anime again!! this time its skip beat, and yeah its on okto.. i just happened to watch the first episode on that channel, then i realized its actually quite nice! then i went to and found that anime there and i watched the 2nd episode and i couldnt stop! haha!! okay anyway today worked full shift. yay we met the day's target of $1.8k, although 2k woud've been better.. joyce poon and sarah cheng're in malaysia! so besides xinyi, theres no one to talk to online!! >< oh and i cant wait for sarah to come back.. i wana borrow brisingr from her! i think i'll go to borders tmr to read haha.. ^^
Thursday, November 27, 2008
The time was 11:48 PM
i want the sony ericsson xperia x1!! its so nice! and yeah, the price is real nice too.. but its so nice!! it has that nice big touchscreen, a stylus to go along with that (unlike the iphone) the nice sliding to the left instead of updwards, and the thing i like the most about it, the qwerty keypad!! aah.. i think i actually just like the phone for its qwerty keypad.. i wish there was a not-so-for-business-people phone that had a qwerty keypad.. like the sidekick phone they had in step up! i fell in love with those kinds of phone cuz of that movie.. so yeah, maybe i'll wait for the price to drop.. but its so nice! i give audible exclamations of gladness (uh.. just showing off or something..) when i see the x1 anywhere.. weee~~ xperia!!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The time was 10:38 PM
ypm camp grouping's out! no comment on it, except, jabez is in my group AGAIN. mentor : kimberley foo mentor : justin sng leader : gideon hu ast. ldr : shalyn thong members: foong tai yong dawn yeo jabez koh joseph sng ivan yeo beverly foo daphne pan cherie chong cheryl tan wu yong jie ... okay to be honest, i dont much like it. The time was 12:09 AM
hello!! i had facial just now! then when i came home, me and mom opened the bottle of bailey's with a hint of creme caramel! and i drank two cups! because after drinking the first cup i felt like that was no kick, and i wanted more. now i'm high! if you talk to me now i'd probably laugh a lot wahahahaa~ alcohol makes me high, so i should probably drink more right? =D i like the feeling in my stomach.. its like, hot.. ^^
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The time was 9:42 AM
ugh i can't stand this. don't know how i'm gonna live with it the rest of my life. every time she opens her mouth it'll be complaints, cursing, blah blah blah. this thing stupid, that person stupid, they should have done this, they shouldnt have done that.. and then i'll be sitting there thinking," wtf, argh." and then when she's done, she'll get cheered up by something and she'll be all happy again, but then i'll still be sitting there, and i won't be okay, and i wont be all happy again. i've just about given up trying to talk to her. she's stubborn. try telling her it doesnt work that way, she'll just say (quite irritatingly) it is. and she's totally oblivious to the fact that i'm over here in a bad mood coz of everything. and always i think to tell her," where's the God in you? how're you showing you're a Christian by cursing other people, judging people, showing such lack of compassion?" but those words will probably never come out of my mouth. not now anyway. sigh. okay emo-ed enough.. gonna go to church and do some lightings soon.. i think maybe i'll try to stay away from home as much as possible.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The time was 11:44 AM
i feel old.. like, i've got like, no energy to do stuff.. i just came back from china yesterday, and during that 8 day trip i fell sick, fever on the 5th day, then started having diarrhea on the 6th day. and so i think my digestive system isnt working properly. so my body isnt absorbing the nutrients from the food haha. ya so today i was climbing the stairs of an overhead bridge and before i reached the top i was feeling a bit wooozy.. plus i was carrying my guitar. =.=. oh and right now, my 2nd bro's scolding the tenants. sigh. lalala... oh okay and now i hear people going "eh eh eh dont, you cannot beat people one.."
Saturday, November 15, 2008
The time was 10:44 AM
last night was sad, cuz it was grad night and i was the only sec four there not graduating. also because the sec fours i've 'grown up with' are not gonna be in school anymore.. then there was a post grad night party. went to this lonely cafe at opera estate. played a bit of truth or dare and people got bored of it, so we decided," okay we ask a question and everyone has to answer." so i started. "do u like anyone right now?" everyone except one said yes. "is the person from school or outside school?" "how are you planning to confess?" and erm.. i came up with all the questions.. =_= definitely cuz i needed ideas. after that place those who could stay out late went to weng's house. learnt how to play poker and played till 4.15? or 5.15? then got bored, two of them went to rest.. continued with texas hold em poker. then one conked out, i lost all my money haha [fake money of course].. and everyone got bored of poker, so we decided to play risk! and while weng was teaching us how to play it, me and xinyi (probably), were lost in our own little world.. nothing much was being absorbed by our brains. but later as the game progressed, it just got so exciting that i didnt wana stop playing.. by then it was 6+ already so we decided that by 7 we would stop and go have breakfast. and through diplomacy, i gained the most territories.. hahaha!! diplomacy all the way~ and after that went to macs for breakfast. and im losing track of time, cuz yesterday seriously feels like just now.. haha. i'm feeling real sad right now.. sigh. i dread the days where i won't be seeing xinyi, win, dew, pun, guanhong and alll those other fun sec fours in school.. and it'll just be us people from sec 5..
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The time was 1:19 AM
1. Hi, how are ya?
• err.. hi.. 2. Hey! You wanna go to the mall?! • not really 3. I LOVE U.. • erm, i don't. 4. DO u want some cookies? • oh okay.. 5.Can you take me a picture?!? • as in take a picture of you? can la.. 6.Help me in my homework! • i won't know how to do your work. 7. Here's my gift to you... • thanks 8. Let's just be textmates • uh.. 9. Do you want me to buy you an ipod? • no. for what? 10.Let's sit together in the bus • ... 11. Hi baby! • *turns to look at who he's calling* 12. I missed you! • err.. i didnt.. 13.I still LOVE you! • whatever. 14.Can I visit your house? • no, not really. 15.Do you love me? • er. no. haha yeah i know mine does sound a bit boring, bu if u imagine the real conversation, with me using the monotonous kinda voice, it'll be quite funny.. xD
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The time was 12:31 AM
lol theres this offer items basket in the shop.. everything in it is $3. i was arranging the things in it neatly and saw this small black thin box.. and i looked inside and found this really nice keychain, with a round thing with "love" written on it.. and since it was $3, i was considering buying it. and i found out that the original price was $16.90 (crazy right?!) haha so i though ,"i think i shall get it!" and so i did! and now im so in love with it, i dont know why. i keep having to look at it. =_=||| and tomorrow is consultation for geog with mdm suriadi at 9!! then at 2 it'll be chinese B papers 1 and 2.. haha. i love my love keychain.. ^^
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The time was 10:43 AM
yesterday worked 9.5 hours. screwed up with one customer cuz i didnt know how to use the nets thing.. then the person had to purposely dig out enough money to pay by cash >_< i felt so bad!! the full timer had gone to buy lunch.. then i was like ,"i'm soo sorry!!" i promise the next time someone paid using nets, i'll know how do it.. when i first started i felt like i had a slight fever, but decided not to care about it. drank more water. then later on i didnt feel so sucky. okay then by the end of the day my legs were aching.. and when i got home, had a video call with poon till erm.. 12+ ah? ya then bathe, and when i finally got on my bed i was to tired to think anymore.. oh and today is chinese B listening! after that gonna rush down to the shop.. =D
Monday, November 10, 2008
The time was 9:53 AM
i'm super busy la. video, wedding, guitar, work, lightings, studying (something i'm not doing much of), grad night, china holiday, ypm camp assistant leader, going out with friends dance (something i haven't started but am planning to soon)... haha.. i'll have to start praying i'll be able to juggle everything! especially the studying bit.. and then there are two big things on my mind right now. The time was 12:23 AM
sigh.. things just get more and more complicated.. i'm so afraid that this'll all fall apart. and i really really dont want it to. so, argh. like xinyi always says," just go with the flow". and thats what i'm gonna do.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
The time was 11:24 PM
i think im having mood swings again..
cuz im getting pissed at a lot of things easily. sigh, this sucks. oh ytd was night cycling.. left kembangan at 12, cycle along nicoll highway, went to esplanade, then dunno what other place, then orchard rd, bugis, dunno where else la haha.. had 3 stops for food.. 1) glutton's corner 2) macs for ice cream 3) tao hui place.. then there was lightning and we decided to go home.. ^^ i slept at 5.30 am.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The time was 11:04 PM
yay! my first paycheque today!! ... well actually its not so much a cheque.. just like, a spuare envelope with my pay inside lol. but its good enough.. i got $54 dollars anyway. not alot, probably but i dun really care.. i'm glad i'm finally able to actually be not dependant on my mom for money.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
The time was 9:14 PM
i was walking my dogs and we got to the traffic light at kembangan mrt station, and [i think] a motorcycle drove past, then the traffic light man turned green so i was about to coss when there was this huge 'POP' sound that made me (and probably everyone else at the traffic light) jump, then i turned to see what made the sound but all the cars waiting further down the road seemed to be still intact.. then i rmbered i thought i saw a motorcycle drive past, and where did it go..? then i thought,"hmm doesn't time travelling make a very loud POP sound?" i think i got that from harry potter haha! when someone apparates or disapparates, there'll be a pop.. so i think, the motorcycle travelled time..
Monday, November 3, 2008
The time was 8:29 PM
today i laughed till i cried.. like, really, cried, as in, tears coming out of my eyes.. couldn't stop laughing and it was actually kinda horrible!! haha! its cuz xinyi was telling me bout how last year for halloween her class had class chalet at downtown east and they went into the haunted house thing.. and one of her friends got freaked out by a guy acting as a ghost, and she ran away, and tripped and fell [and over here i was laughing a bit] then xinyi went: then the ghost actually went up to her and ask,"are you okay? are u okay??" then my friend got freaked out even more, then she scream and run away. [and here i was laughing a bit more..] then the ghost actually led the rest of the group out like,"come let me bring you to the nearest exit" then i started imagining the whole scene.. 10seconds later i just started laughing and couldnt stop, even if i tried!! my goodness!! and then i was crying and stuff.. ah... but that was nice too.. never laughed so hard in a while haha.. oh i think it would have been possible to hyper ventilate at the rate i was going haha.. after wards i kept having to sigh cuz i felt like i had too much air in me hahaha!!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
The time was 10:11 PM
omg its 10.11 already and i still need to get the movie video clips for grad night games! plus do my notes for ameba!! >_<
Saturday, November 1, 2008
The time was 4:36 PM
work is sorta awesome..
is ![]()
[ shalyn THONG]
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